Golf Tournament

Lakeridge Golf Course 1218 Golf Club Dr, Reno

Join us for a fun day of golf to benefit children and families in our community. The annual Reno Rodeo Charitable golf tournament, a four-man scramble format, will be held at the Lakeridge Golf Course at 1218 Golf Club Dr, Reno, NV 89519. Check in and refreshments start at 6:30 a.m. Shotgun starts at 8

Miss Reno Rodeo Pageant

The 2026 Miss Reno Rodeo pageant will take place in early June 2025. The Miss Reno Rodeo pageant presents a thrilling opportunity for contestants to vie for the esteemed role of goodwill ambassador for the 107th Reno Rodeo. Eligible Nevada women, aged 19-25, with a passion for horsemanship, travel, and rodeo culture are invited to apply. Ideal candidates for

2025 Cattle Drive

2025 Cattle Drive Wait List The Reno Rodeo Cattle Drive celebrates the rich legacy of the “Wild Wild West,” with an unforgettable journey through the High Desert. For five days leading up to the Reno Rodeo, up to 60 guests join a team of volunteer cowboys to drive 300 head of rodeo steers from

Bull Riding

Reno Livestock Event Center Outdoor Arena 1350 N Wells Avenue, Reno, NV, United States

Unlike the other rough stock contestants, bull riders are not required to spur. No wonder. It's usually impressive enough just to remain seated for eight seconds on an animal that may weigh more than a ton and is as quick as he is big. Upper body control and strong legs are essential to riding bulls.

Wild Pony Races

Reno Livestock Event Center Outdoor Arena 1350 N Wells Avenue, Reno, NV, United States

Wild Pony Races – June 20–27 A fast-action, fun, and wild event, the Wild Pony Races are back. The races will be held before the performance on June 20–27. Four teams of three kids, between the ages 8-14 years old, will compete. During the race two kids have to rope and halter the pony and

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