RENO, NV (May 31, 2018) — The Reno Rodeo, which kicks off for ten days on June 14, is bringing some new excitement for rodeo goers this year. From Riata Ranch Cowboy Girls to renowned bullfighters, the 2018 Reno Rodeo is spicing up its long list of events.
Riata Ranch Cowboy Girls Catch the specialty act, Riata Ranch Cowboy Girls, as they entertain the fans with a thrilling performance of trick riding and trick roping. Every night of the Reno Rodeo these girls will exemplify their Western lifestyle and extensive training, provided by the Riata Ranch Youth Horsemanship Clinics. These ladies will be wowing the audience as they perform incredible stunts on horseback.
Bullfighters Dusty Tuckness and Cody Webster
A vital part of the rodeo, bullfighters protect bull riders after they dismount or are bucked off the bulls. Bullfighters move toward the bull immediately to distract it with sound, movement and sometimes touch, in order to direct its attention away from the cowboy and toward the exit gate. The Reno Rodeo is pleased to have top bullfighters Dusty Tuckness and Cody Webster at this year’s rodeo. Dusty Tuckness has a long list of rodeo accomplishments, including earning PRCA’s Bullfighter of the Year seven times. Bred into a bullfighting legacy, Tuckness is the son of a bullfighter and is considered one of the best in the industry. Cody Webster, also an accomplished bullfighter, has been nominated three times for bullfighter of the year and has been the National Finals Rodeo Bullfighter five times, including 2017.
Wild Pony Races
A fast action, fun, and wild event, the Wild Pony Races will take place right after bull riding, June 15-18. Four teams of three kids, between the ages 8-14 years old, will compete. During the race, two kids have to rope and halter the pony and the third has mount and ride. Teams are timed with the longest ride deemed the winner.
Bullfighters Only
Bullfighters Only is back June 19-22 immediately following bull riding. The BFO is a freestyle bullfighting competition series that features an international roster of elite professionals. No bulls are harmed in a freestyle bullfight, where the bullfighter goes one-on-one against a bull for 70 seconds, employing spectacular maneuvers like jumping over a charging bull. The bullfighter is judged on his willingness to expose himself to risk and on his aggressiveness. His objective is to stay as close as he can to the bull throughout the fight. Like the riders, the bullfighters score higher when the bull is more aggressive. Three bullfighters will compete Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday as they go up against the meanest fighting bulls. The championship will take place Friday, June 22.
Junior NFR Qualifier
The Junior NFR Qualifier will take place June 22 and 23 at 9 a.m. at the Indoor Arena. These talented juniors will compete in steer wrestling, team roping and barrel racing. This event is free to view for the public.
For more information about events and tickets for the 99th annual Reno Rodeo, June 14-23, 2018, visit Tickets can also be purchased through or in person at the Lawlor Events Center box office. For ticket information only, call 775-784-4444. To order tickets by phone, call 800-325-7328.
About the Reno Rodeo
The Reno Rodeo is a Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) sanctioned sporting event, and one of the top five rodeos in North America. Reno Rodeo is a non-profit organization made up of over 1000 volunteers. This year’s Reno Rodeo is scheduled for June 15-24, 2017. Competition includes bareback, team roping, saddle bronc, tie-down roping, steer wrestling, women’s barrel racing and bull riding. Like Reno Rodeo on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, or for more information on the Reno Rodeo, visit