Rodeo State – License Plate
Whether you’re registering a new truck, car or trailer or renewing your current registration – ask for a Rodeo State License Plate!
The Rodeo State Charitable License Plate provides a significant source of funding for the Reno Rodeo Foundation and the Nevada State High School Rodeo Association, as the charitable proceeds from this license plate are shared equally between these two organizations. The Rodeo State plate is one of the most popular charitable plates in Nevada and we hope you’ll choose to proudly display it on all of your vehicles and trailers!
How it Works
The DMV registration fees from the sale of the Rodeo State charitable license plate directly supports the Reno Rodeo Foundation’s scholarship and community grant programs.
The initial fee for this plate is $96, ($25 to be divided equally between the Reno Rodeo Foundation and the NSHSRA). The renewal fee is $30, ($10 for the license plate renewal and $20 for the support of the Reno Rodeo Foundation and the NSHSRA).
Just ask for a Rodeo State License Plate when registering or renewing your vehicle registration at your local DMV office.
View information on the DMV Site
If you’d like to order a personalized Rodeo State plate, the application can be found below.
Personalized license plates are also available. The initial fee for a personalized Rodeo State plate is $95.00* plus a $1.00 Prison Industry Fee. The renewal fee for a personalized Rodeo State plate is $50.00** in addition to all other registration fees and Governmental Services Taxes.