RENO, Nev. (February 15, 2018) – Thanks to proceeds from the 2017 rodeo, the Reno Rodeo Association is presenting a check to the Reno Rodeo Foundation for $250,000.
WHEN: Thursday, February 15 during the Reno Rodeo Membership Luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Check presented at approximately noon.
WHERE: Grand Sierra Resort located at 2500 E 2nd St, in the Silver State room.
WHO: 2017 Reno Rodeo Association President Brad Sidener will present the check to Reno Rodeo Foundation Executive Director Clara Andriola and Reno Rodeo Foundation President Dr. Larry Frugoli.
WHY: The Reno Rodeo Foundation was incorporated in 1986 and is a non-profit 501(c)3. In addition to the annual Denim Drive that helps clothe neglected and abused foster children 365 days a year, the organization provides scholarships to eligible Nevada high school graduates, supports community grants, funds a Reno Rodeo Wish for a child, underwrites the Reno Rodeo Association’s Reading Roundup literacy program helping thousands of at-risk first graders, builds community partnerships and serves as the anchor for large capital projects to improve the lives of children.