Vendor Information

We appreciate your interest in exhibiting at our Rodeo this year. Please download the handbook on below. This will provide all the necessary information you will need both before and during the Rodeo. It is the responsibility of each vendor to read the handbook, know the rules and abide by them while at the Reno Rodeo.

We look forward to having your business or organization as an integral part of the 2025 Reno Rodeo! If you have any questions please email us at [email protected]. However, please try to find your answer in the Handbook before contacting us. We receive several inquiries each week and may not be able to respond as quickly as you would like, but we will get back to you.

Food Vendors
If you are interested in being a food vendor please contact J.P. at Pinocchio’s 775-826-5151 or by clicking the button below.