Reno Rodeo Reading Roundup
The Reno Rodeo Reading Roundup is a literacy program for first-grade Title 1 students in Washoe County that focuses on the three R’s – Reading, Rodeo, and Responsibility!
Through a partnership with the Reno Rodeo Association, Reno Rodeo Reading Roundup assemblies are held at 25 Title 1 elementary schools each year.
During the assemblies, which are held at the school, the students learn the three R’s – Reading, Rodeo & Responsibility. Assembly presenters typically include Reno Rodeo Association volunteers, Miss Reno Rodeo and/or Queen Candidates, and the stars themselves… the horses. The emphasis is foremost on the importance of reading. Presenters often relate their own experiences with reading and discuss ways students might improve their reading skills, such as by reading to their siblings, relatives, and even their own animals. Typically, the Bureau of Land Management also participates by providing instruction in fire safety techniques and the responsibility each child has in preventing fires. After the presentations, each first grade student is given the opportunity to pet the horses and meet Smokey Bear and are then given two books as well as rodeo information and fire prevention learning materials.
If you are interested in applying to have the Reno Rodeo Reading Roundup visit your school or to volunteer, please contact Francine at [email protected]