RENO, Nev. (March 5, 2019) — Not many organizations can say they’ve been an integral part of a community for a century. Come June, the Reno Rodeo will do just that.
To commemorate this impressive milestone, the Reno Rodeo launched the 100 Years 100 Stories project to show through pictures, short films, and live storytelling, how deeply rooted the legacy of the Reno Rodeo is in Northern Nevada.
Over the past two years, the project has collected, archived and told dozens of stories from the hundreds of people, many volunteers, who are the lifeblood of the annual rodeo. The final two live storytelling events leading up to the Reno Rodeo’s centennial have been set for March 8 and May 10 at the Reno Elks Lodge.
Proceeds will go towards building a brand new, state-of-the-art events center, which will include a 15-thousand-seat arena. The Reno Rodeo Legacy committee has worked on a master plan of the 39-acre Livestock Event Center site and created a new vision for the next 100 years of the Reno Rodeo.
Tickets are $30 and include wine, beer and snacks. Purchase tickets by calling the Reno Rodeo office at 775-329-3877. Doors open at 6 p.m., presentation starts at 7 p.m. The Reno Elks Lodge is located at 597 Kumle Ln.
The Reno Rodeo 100 Years 100 Stories project is a community partnership between the Reno Rodeo Association and the Reno Rodeo Foundation produced by Jessi LeMay, creator of The Folk & The Lore and sponsored by Save Mart. Funding, in part, provided by the City of Reno Arts & Culture Commission with support from Nevada Historical Society.
Community members can help keep the legacy alive by sharing stories about rodeo, ranching and the cowboy way of life in Northern Nevada. Stories can be submitted by calling the hotline at 775-525-1088 with a three-minute story synopsis and contact info, or email [email protected].
About the Reno Rodeo
The Reno Rodeo is a Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) sanctioned sporting event, and one of the top five rodeos in North America. Reno Rodeo is a non-profit organization made up of over 1000 volunteers. This year’s Reno Rodeo is scheduled for June 20-29, 2019. Competition includes bareback, team roping, saddle bronc, tie-down roping, steer wrestling, women’s barrel racing and bull riding. Like Reno Rodeo on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, or for more information on the Reno Rodeo, visit
Reno Rodeo Foundation
The Reno Rodeo Foundation was incorporated in 1986 and is a non-profit 501(c)3. In addition to the annual Denim Drive that helps clothe neglected and abused foster children 365 days a year, the organization provides scholarships to eligible Northern Nevada high school graduates, supports community grants, funds a Reno Rodeo Wish for a child, underwrites the Reno Rodeo Association’s Reading Roundup literacy program helping thousands of at-risk first graders, provides funding to purchase new books to comfort children who must attend family court proceedings, builds community partnerships and serves as the anchor for large capital projects to improve the lives of children. Like Reno Rodeo Foundation on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or for more information, please